Quarterly & Annual Scorecard & Trending You can open your food safety and quality toolbox again to select your next tool for improved supply chain management. You and your partners have been uploading and creating data using your other tools. You do not want to...
Product Inspection & Rejection Management One of the wonders of most data management programs is the high level of duplication of effort that is involved with the data creation to allow you to manage your food safety and quality program. Share-ify embraces the source data...
Audit Management or File Cabinet Management Do you read the audit reports and corrective actions to determine whether or not the suppliers are preventing the hazards that you have identified for the ingredients and packaging materials that they provide to you? Do you have enough information from...
The Supplier Risk Questionnaire Share-ify has another management tool to add to your quality and food safety toolbox, the Supplier Risk Questionnaire. Another week of fun and excitement, guess what we have for you? There is, even more, functionality available from Share-ify. How risky is the risk?...
Share-ify Saves Time & Money For assurance of quality and food safety, your company verifies the certificate of analyses and process capability data on the products supplied to your company. This verification is product-centric and is much more effort than just collecting audit...