Being a mom of little ones, I am constantly looking around to make sure they don’t put dirty things in their mouth or chewing on things that don’t belong in their mouth. But what many may not be aware of is the heightened riskin the event of...
It was only 30 years ago that the word HACCP was virtually unknown. Today it has become a common acronym within food companies that pride themselves on being prepared. But now there is a new sheriff in town: HARPC. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)...
FSMA requires the following: The three below components together equal the HARPC plan (one for each facility owned and operated by a food company): • Written Hazard Analysis (evaluating the hazards that reasonably could affect food safety) • Written and validated preventive controls (specifying what preventive...
Simply stated, Compliance is the conformance or the adherence to a procedure, specification, audit criteria or a government regulation. Simply stated, very difficult to achieve for an organization. The requirement(s) which you want to be compliant against must be clearly documented and organized, work instructions...
Quality Assurance is the plans and procedures implemented in a quality system to assure that the quality criteria for a product will be consistently achieved. Quality Assurance requires the quality criteria to be documented and approved. The manufacturing process must be capable of achieving the...
Food Safety is a management system by which an organization documents and executes preventive actions against potentially critical health hazards associated with food. The need for Food Safety applies to all activities associated with the sourcing, manufacturing or preparation, warehousing, transportation, and packaging of food...