Let’s say I have some grain that exceeds the governmental maximum for aflatoxins. What are my choices? I could try to deliver my truck to another receiving site if I got a high result at the last one. I could blend two trucks together to...
Well, let’s say I have a lot of product that is underweight. I could find line time or send the lot to a third party to remove a percentage of the product with an online check weigher to raise my average weight. Or perhaps, I...
You have developed and implemented your new Global Good Agricultural Practices program with your partners. Your partners have agreed to comply with the Agri-Chemical Hazard prevention requirements of the program e.g. pesticide, herbicides, and even the heavy metal standards. You have a Letter of Guarantee...
Every great professional I have ever worked with had the ability to look beyond their nose. In other words, they do not rely just on their historical issues as found in their facilities or from customers. With food adulteration, the bar is significantly raised when...
Why do we recall “Not Ready to Eat Frozen Products” with Listeria Contamination? Is it because the customers will not follow the cooking instructions? I have heard that only 6 out of 10 follow the instruction. Do the customers actually check the microwave wattage again...
Is it possible to have a recall for the presence of stones in bags of retail dried beans? The USDA standard for Blackeye beans has a maximum percentage limit for stones of 0.2 percent for US No. 1. This standard does not mean that every...