The Supplier Risk Questionnaire Share-ify has another management tool to add to your quality and food safety toolbox, the Supplier Risk Questionnaire. Another week of fun and excitement, guess what we have for you? There is, even more, functionality available from Share-ify. How risky is the risk?...
Share-ify Saves Time & Money For assurance of quality and food safety, your company verifies the certificate of analyses and process capability data on the products supplied to your company. This verification is product-centric and is much more effort than just collecting audit...
Create Product Specifications Once and Share Many You and your fellow Share-ifyers have to create product specifications now. How do you know if the specifications or the products associated with the specifications are “real”. Just because a company may be GFSI certified does not mean...
Compliance Documents Found In The Reference Library With Share-ify, you can easily communicate your expectations through your Supply Chain Quality Management manual within the Reference Library. Mandatory initial documents can be established with your partners that have completion notifications to you and your partners. Pre-approval...
Entering In Your Finished Goods Specifications And Updating As Needed Let’s share our intimate details of our business, the specifications. Specifications for ingredient and packaging specifications can be easily created by Share-ifyers within Share-ify, both you and your suppliers. Your partners can maintain their finished goods...