Orlando, Florida- Share-ify, the fresh produce industry leader of next generation product inspections, is now introducing integration to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) grading standards for fresh produce inspections.
Share-ify’s Verify™ product inspections platform offers a mobile application integrated to the Share-ify platform which enables companies to more easily and readily evaluate products for adherence to company specifications and commodity grade. Subscribers can share the information with trading partners to improve transparency and communication. In addition, Share-ify produces scorecards for evaluation of product performance over time.
The USDA offers over 130 different grading standards for industry use. Each standard may include a grading standard, inspections instructions, and even a visual aid to assist inspectors with evaluation of product. Share-ify’s Verify™ product inspections platform offers ready access to USDA reference material for quick and easy inspector use.
For more information on Share-ify’s Verify™ product inspections platform, please email us at [email protected]