Happy New Year’s Share-ifyers,
You can be prepared at all times for the management of retrieval or the destruction of any non-compliant products through product withdrawal. Your partners can provide updates to your notifications with the associated case counts and information which automatically update the database. Photographs of the product can be included with the partner updates.
You can provide your partners with an easy location for further detailed updated information on the event through the Share-ify App. You can have available guidance documents and responses to “most asked questions” so partners can be educated in the process prior to or during the event.
You can utilize your pre-built and managed database of suppliers and customers contact information. These partners are already on the Share-ify App through your Supply Chain Management program you have built previously. This common usage of data is the beauty of the multiple functionalities available through Share-ify
You can have automatic reporting of results from your customers or locations in regards to event instructions. You will have updated reports available anytime you have to update upper management, agencies or your team members on your progress.
Another example of Share-ify adding another electronic administrator as an incremental resource.
And remember, if the event started with one of your suppliers, you already have detailed compliance information available with your Supply Chain Management program. This information will allow you to instantly start your investigation with the supplier.
Share-ifyers, be prepared, use Share-ify to manage your Supply Chain.